Sacramento and the Delta

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Sacramento and the Delta


Many Stockton photographers didn't confine themselves solely to Stockton, and instead branched out to multiple areas. John Spooner for example photographed both Stockton and Sacramento, even though his main focus was on Stockton. He, and many other photographers, were able to use their photography to show the growth of California cities in the early 1900s.

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San Francisco and the Delta
Many of Spooner's photographs focus on Stockton, but he did spread out to other areas as well. His photography took him to San Francisco and near the Delta. Here is shown the Merchant's Exchange Building in San Francisco, with a clock tower. It shows…

San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Fair
These images are only a few of the many Spooner photographed. In fact, he was one of the main photographers of the Stockton area, and was able to capture many buildings and events during the late 1800s. These two specific images show the San Joaquin…
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