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Food Giants of the Delta

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The San Joaquin-Sacremento Delta is an agriculturally rich area that has greatly influenced the communities and industries surrounding it. Among the ambitious individuals who took advantage of the area's opportunities, several succeeded in creating food empires that expanded the influence of Delta agri-business across the country.

These entreprenuers innovated their marketing and processing techniques extending the reach of their products beyond the delta creating companies that comprised the "food giants" of the delta region. The histories of these food giants intersects with the larger agricultural and economic history of the Delta region.

Photographic Legends of the Delta


California has always had a rich artistic history with its photographers at the forefront of creativity. People came from all over the country to try their hand at mapping out California through their images, spreading the news of beautiful cities, towns, and wilderness to the rest of the United States, and even internationally, as early as 1859.

It was these individuals that allowed areas like Stockton, Sacramento, and Yosemite Valley to become well-known, although not all of these men and women became well-known themselves. While Carleton Watkins established himself as the favorite Yosemite Photographer and John Spooner became popular throughout all of Stockton, men like Charles Weed and Richard Yoshikawa were forgotten. 

Regardless of the fact that some of these names are not remembered well, these individuals all contributed greatly to the artistic legacy of California, making the state an desired destination early on and establishing themselves as legends through their photographs.