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Verna Johnston was very interested in preserving the native wildlife within the San Joaquin Valley, and focused a lot on Yosemite's wildlife as well. She made a pamphlet like this one speaking about many different types of birds especially.

Johnston was especially interested in images such as these, although she took photos of more than just birds. She had an intense focus on wildlife by itself and animals in their natural habitats.

Verna Johnston's photographs of the forests within Yosemite, both on a trip and in the fall.

Images of the beautiful falls of Yosemite, a popular photography spot. In fact, the first image taken by Charles Weed of Yosemite was of these falls. These photos taken over a century later depict the falls in both the summer and winter.

El Capitan has been a popular spot to photograph throughout the ages as well, capturing continued interest from photographers in Stockton and throughout California.

Yosemite continues to be a popular spot to photograph in both the summer and the winter. The snow especially captures peoples' attention when viewing the lakes and evergreens. Verna Johnston appeared especially captivated with the focus of her…

This photo gallery was purchased in 1874 by Benjamin Batchelder and his brother Perez Batchelder. These two brothers were some of the first photographers in the Stockton region as early as 1852.

Benjamin and Nancy Batchelder worked together in their photographic place in Stockton from 1874-1893. Lots of stereo photographs were published, and soon they had the most popular and successful gallery in Stockton.

This image shows Spooner in Yosemite Theater Studio around 1890. Spooner himself was the most distinguished photographer of the Stockton area at the time. This city is what made his photographic career.

Spooner may have been Stockton's preeminent photographer in the late 1800s, but he didn't have his first actual photography parlor until 1878. Prior to this, he had an older studio that he opened in 1870.
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